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  • Writer's pictureQuietus

First Thoughts: Moira from Overwatch [PTR]

She's pretty awesome. I like her kit, A LOT. Easy to figure out and play her too. The heal beam, left click, heals buddies and depletes a bar next to the crosshairs. The purple ouch beam, right click, damages the not buddies and regens the bar.

"One hand gives. The other hand takes." - Moira

She also has a short burst of Wraith form like Reaper. Just shorter and cooler. Her E is a couple of orbs. Left click is a health orb and right click is a damage orb. They'll bounce until depleted. The Ultimate is like some kind of damaging and healing fused kamehameha beam, pretty neat.

Some derpy gameplay on the PTR server in No Limits Arcade mode.

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